Expo 2010 is a large and high-end event for economic, cultural and scientific-technological exchanges that involves many countries and nationalities around the world. The Expo is expected to attract 70 million visitors. In order to meet the needs of catering operation and management during the Expo, the Expo Bureau now openly solicits public catering service providers (including catering management enterprises and catering operation enterprises) for Zone C of the Site of Expo 2010 Shanghai China.
1. Name of Solicitation Project
Solicitation of Public Catering Service Providers for Zone C of the Site of Expo 2010 Shanghai China
2. Soliciting Party and Solicited Parties
Soliciting party: Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination
Solicited parties: Chinese and foreign catering management enterprises and catering operation enterprises
3. Aim of Solicitation
The open solicitation is designed to select the qualified catering management enterprises and catering operation enterprises to provide safe, hygienic, quality and convenient catering service to the visitors, participants and related staff.
4. Scope of Solicitation
The Expo Site has several catering properties. The catering properties covered by this solicitation are those in plots C04-G01, C07-G02 and C10-G14, which are qualified for solicitation. The selected catering management enterprises or catering operation enterprises will legally use the catering properties in these plots with compensation and will operate and manage the related catering projects according to the regulations of the industry and the Site.
5. Overview of Properties
(1) Locations of Properties
The catering properties in plots C04-G01, C07-G02 and C10-G14 are located in Zone C, lying in the Houtan area of Pudong District west of the Lupu Bridge (see Appendix 1 for detailed information). Specifically, the plot C04-G01 is close to the entrance of Zone C, where there will be a 10-hectare large public amusement ground. The plot C07-G02 is located at the main passage of visitors and vehicles in the Site, and plot C10-G14 is located at the entrance of the Site on Changqing Road.
The three catering property combinations in the three plots are respectively located in the pavilions of American countries from the other side of the Pacific, the pavilions of European countries with rich regional tastes, and the pavilions of African countries. All of them are close to the area squares and the main passages of visitors and vehicles. The nearby national pavilion area of the European, American and African countries will present unique architectural landscapes (see Appendix 2 for detailed information) and diverse and colorful scientific, cultural and ethnic civilizations, and will attract large numbers of visitors for sightseeing and playing. In the meantime, the convenient transportation of the main passages of visitors and vehicles and the concentration of visitors at the two entrances will bring enormous business opportunities to the catering enterprises in these areas.
(2) Conditions of Properties
The floor spaces of the catering properties in the three plots of C04-G01, C07-G02 and C10-G14 are respectively 1,275m2 (two storey), 7,250m2 (three storey) and 7,250m2 (three storey). Their total floor space is 15,775m2, accounting for about one-fifth of the total planning floor space for catering facilities in the Expo Site. They are all non-permanent light-steel structures, having connections for water, sewer, power, gas and air-conditioning facilities.
The industrial forms of the solicited catering enterprises include take-out fast food, Chinese fast food, Western fast food, food court, brand-name tea house, theme restaurant, and special coffee and beer hut.
6. Qualifications of Solicited Parties
(1) The solicited parties should be the corporate entities inside and outside China, which have been formally incorporated according to the laws of the countries where they are registered, and have valid durations.
(2) The solicited parties must have the industrial qualifications and sanitary licenses required for fulfilling this solicitation project. A catering management enterprise must have a registered capital of more than 5 million yuan and annual operational revenue of more than 50 million yuan, while a catering operation enterprise must have a registered capital of more than 100,000 yuan and annual operational revenue of more than 1 million yuan.
(3) The solicited parties must have complete quality control systems for food operation.
(4) The solicited parties must have operated for three years running and have never had major food safety accidents.
(5) They must still engage in catering management or catering operation inside and outside China.
(6) Preferential consideration will be given to the solicited parties that have large food courts in operation and experience in successfully accommodating large events.
(7) This project allows joint response in the form of corporate alliance, but one member of such alliance should work as the main solicited party. While this main solicited party must meet the above requirements for the solicited parties, all the members of the alliance must confirm the main solicited party and present their Alliance Agreement.
7. Method for Participation
Only those that have passed the preliminary qualification examination shall have the right to participate in this solicitation activity and enjoy the priority to participate in the ensuing catering solicitation projects for other plots.
All the solicited parties should download and fill out the Preliminary Qualification Examination Form for Solicited Party (see Appendix 3) and submit the form to the Solicitation Working Group within the time limit specified in this announcement.
The Solicitation Working Group will notify the preliminary qualifiers to participate in the solicitation briefing.
8. Time Limit
8:00am December 27, 2008 – 17:00pm January 5, 2009.
9. Way of Contact
Catering Solicitation Working Group of Expo 2010
Miss Zhu: 021-63903399 ext 2106; 13701957794
Miss Yang: 021-63903399 ext 2112; 13774223049
Fax: 021-63904437
E-mail: dianazhu@263.net
Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination
December 22, 2008
Appendix 1: Diagram of Catering Properties in Zone C and Nearby Pavilions
Appendix 2: Architectural Effect Drawings
Appendix 3: Preliminary Qualification Examination Form for Solicited Party
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