The events to be organized by participants will include two types: national pavilion days and special days, and special weeks and daily events organized by Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
More specifically, they will include national pavilion days, special days of international organizations, special days of cities, special days of enterprises, and special weeks of Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
Daily events include the Expo Theme Month and other everyday events. In the former case, thematic events will be organized for each of the six months during the duration of the Expo according to the programs offered by the participants. Through careful arrangement of these programs, visitors will be helped to appreciate the diversified global culture in a better way. The following is a preliminary schedule the Organizer has worked out: May: the Europe Month; June, the Africa Month; July: the America Month; August: the Oceania Month; September: the Asia Month; and October: the China Month.
Hey, that seems like a lot to be done! It is good that each participant gets to organize an event. But is it hard Getting organized with so many things. I thing the theme idea is very good and it does provide visitors with diversified global culture. I believe Chinese provinces will do a great job. I hope everything will woek out as planned and that arrangement will proceed the best possible way.